Internet wondering and wandering can be marvelous at times; disconnected threads combine to find a home in one's thoughts. However, what is the goal of the wondering wanderer? To find a home in the wanderer's thoughts, or to be able to learn and teach about the experience? Does one need to be a pondering panderer instead? Regardless, let us start with the dual threads:
read his other work (backward and forward), and lost track of him after he published (in 1977) The Public Burning,
so was very surprised to see that he was still around and writing, so have now embarked to catch up again.
Thread No.2--ICM and the ICM Movement: This is not my thread, but as with my exploration of the seven principles of learning and of knowledge journalists, a Google search inspired by my wife's reading and wanting to know who or what was the Intellectual Capital Movement and the ICM Group and the ICM Gathering. Well, I found out some stuff, but it was a bit difficult, as it appears to be a thing of the past. ICM built up steam over the 1980's and 1990's as a discipline for channeling the intellectual capital in corporations and then ratcheted up in the early 2000's as a capital M Movement. And then, it was over.
- The March 14, 2011 issue of The New Yorker.
- The Intellectual Capital Management (ICM).
Thread No.2--ICM and the ICM Movement: This is not my thread, but as with my exploration of the seven principles of learning and of knowledge journalists, a Google search inspired by my wife's reading and wanting to know who or what was the Intellectual Capital Movement and the ICM Group and the ICM Gathering. Well, I found out some stuff, but it was a bit difficult, as it appears to be a thing of the past. ICM built up steam over the 1980's and 1990's as a discipline for channeling the intellectual capital in corporations and then ratcheted up in the early 2000's as a capital M Movement. And then, it was over.